French Wordsearch Games

Reinforce your French vocabulary with these wordsearches on various topics of French vocabulary. Click on of the categories below to choose your desired wordsearch theme. Note that these wordsearches are for playing on line. (If you require wordsearches in PDF format for printing, then a pack of 350 French wordsearches is also available. Permission is also granted to print and photocopy these wordsearches as many times as you require for educational use.)

To play a wordsearch on line, click on one of the themes below.

Did you know? You can now play French wordsearches on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch with the new French Vocab Games app!

Please note that to play these wordsearch games, your browser must support Java. (In practice, most browsers do nowadays.)

Page and Java applet written by Neil Coffey.
Copyright (c) Javamex UK 2012. All rights reserved.