French Phrases: Chemistry terms
This page gives a few basic French chemistry terms, covering words for
basic chemistry concepts and types of chemicals, plus the French names of
various common chemical elements.
Basic chemistry concepts
Here are some French terms for basic chemistry concepts such as atom, molecule,
bond etc.
la chimie | - | chemistry | un élément | - | an element | un ion | - | an ion | un cation | - | a cation, positive ion | un anion | - | an anion, negative ion | une charge positive/négative | - | a positive/negative charge | une liaison (chimique) | - | a (chemical) bond | une liaison ionique | - | an ionic bond | une liaison covalente | - | a covalent bond | une liaison métallique | - | a metallic bond | un composé | - | a compound | une molécule | - | a molecule | le noyau | - | the nucleus | la couche électronique | - | the electron shell | la couche périphérique | - | the outer shell | Suggest a change / proposez une modification
Names of some common elements
The list below gives the French names of some of the more commonly
known or used chemical elements. In general, the more recently discovered the element,
the less likely it is to have a different name in French (and other
languages) compared to English. Also included in the list below are
one or two tricky names even if the element isn't that commonly used.
In fact, practically all elements not
mentioned in the list below have identical names in French (save for
the occasional accent in French).
l'aluminium | - | aluminium | l'argent | - | silver | l'astate | - | astatine | l'azote | - | nytrogen | le bore | - | boron | le brome | - | bromium | le carbone | - | carbon | le chlore | - | chlorine | le cuivre | - | copper | l'étain | - | tin | le fer | - | iron | le fluor | - | fluorine | l'hélium | - | helium | l'hydrogène | - | hydrogen | l'iode | - | iodine | le lithium | - | lithium | le magnésium | - | magnesium | le manganèse | - | manganese | le mercure | - | mercury | le néon | - | neon | l'or | - | gold | l'oxygène | - | oxygen | le phosphore | - | phosphorus | le platine | - | platinum | le plomb | - | lead | le potassium | - | potassium | le sodium | - | sodium | le soufre | - | sulphur, sulfur (US) | le tantale | - | tantalum | le zinc | - | zinc | Suggest a change / proposez une modification
What out for carbone, which is the French for carbon, and
charbon, which is the French for coal!
The pronunciation of the word zinc is also tricky: in
French, it is pronounced as through written zin-g.
Types of elements and compounds
un acide | - | an acid | un alcane | - | an alkane | un alcène | - | an alkene | un alcyne | - | an alkyne | un aldéhyde | - | an aldehyde | une amine | - | an amine | aromatique | - | aromatic | une base | - | a base | une cétone | - | a ketone | les éléments de transition | - | the transition elements | un ester | - | an ester | un halogène | - | a halogen | un hydrocarbure | - | a hydrocarbon | un métal | - | a metal | un monomère | - | a monomer | un polymère | - | a polymer | radioactif | - | radioactive | Suggest a change / proposez une modification
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