French Phrases: Music and musical instruments in French
This page gives the French name for various common instruments, arranged according
to their orchestral family. At the bottom of the page, we also consider how to use
the verb jouer with these instruments.
French names of musical instruments
Keyboard instruments
In French, these are instruments à clavier:
l'orgue | lɔʁg | the organ (usually masculine) | le piano | lə pjano | the piano | le piano électrique | lə pjano ɛlɛktʁik | the electric piano | le synthé | lə sæ̃te | the synth | l'accordéon | lakɔʁdeõ | the accordeon |
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Stringed instruments
The French for stringed instruments is usually
instruments à cordes. In an orchestra, you
may also refer to the famille des cordes or famille du violon
(string family):
le violon | lə vjɔlõ | the violin | l'alto | lalto | the viola | le violoncelle | lə vjɔlõsɛl | the cello | la contrebasse | la kõtʁəbas | the double bass | la harpe | la aʁp | the harp | la guitare (acoustique) | la gitaʁ | the (acoustic) guitar | la guitare électrique | la gitaʁ ɛlɛktʁik | the electric guitar | la guitare basse | la gitaʁ bas | the bass guitar |
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Note that speakers generally say la harpe (not l'harpe),
and, for example, je joue de la harpe.
Wind instruments
Wind instruments (les instruments à vent) are sometimes
split into woodwind (les instruments de bois, la famille des bois)
and brass (les cuivres, la famille des cuivres).
Here are the French names of common woodwind and brass instruments:
la clarinette | la klaʁinɛt | the clarinet | la clarinette basse | la klaʁinɛt bas | the bass clarinette | la flûte | la flyt | the flute | le piccolo | lə pikolo | the piccolo | le hautbois | lə obwa | the oboe | le basson | lə basõ | the bassoon | le cors anglais | lə cɔʁ ɑ̃gle | the cors anglais, "English horn" | le trombone | lə tʁõbɔn | the trombone | la trompette | la tʁõpɛt | the trumpet | le tuba | lə tyba | the tuba | le cors (d'harmonie) | lə kɔʁ daʁmoni | the (French) horn |
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Note that speakers generally say le hautbois, and thus
(jouer) du hautbois (not: (de) l'hautbois).
Percussion instruments
In French, these are instruments de percussion:
la batterie | la batʁi | the drums, the drumkit | la caisse claire | la kɛs klɛʁ | the snare drum | les toms | le tɔm | the tom-toms | les tam-tams | le tamtam | the tom-toms | le tom alto/basse | - | the high/low tom-tom | la caisse (de batterie) | la kɛs (də batʁi) | the drum | la grosse caisse | la gʁos kɛs | the bass drum | la caisse claire | la kɛs klɛʁ | the snare drum | les cymbales | le sæ̃bal | the cymabls | la cymable suspendue | la sæ̃bal syspɑ̃dy | the ride cymbal | la cymable ride | la sæ̃bal ʁajd | the ride cymabl | le charleston | lə ʃaʁləstɔn | the hi-hat | la cymable supérieure/inférieure | - | the upper/lower hi-hat | la pédale | la pedal | the pedal | les baguettes | le bagɛt | the drumsticks | le bali | lə bale | the brush | le gong | lə gõg | the gong | les castagnettes | le kastanjɛt | the castanets | les grelots | le gʁəlo | the sleighbells | le triangle | lə tʁiɑ̃gl | the triangle | le carillon | lə kaʁijõ | the tubular bells | le xylophone | lə gzilɔfɔn | the xylophone | le glockenspiel | lə glɔkœnʃpil | the glock, glockenspiel | le marimba | lə maʁimba | the marimba |
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Grammar: jouer sur, jouer à or jouer de?
In French, the verb jouer is used to mean to play when
referring to instruments1. However, the preposition to use depends on the circumstance:
- if you're talking about the general activity of playing an
instrument, particularly when it would sound odd in English to say play on,
then use de:
je joue du violon
I play the violin
il joue souvent de la trompette
he often plays the trumpet
tu sais jouer du hautbois?
do you know how to play the oboe?
- if you're talking about a specific instrument that you played on
a particular occasion, French speakers tend to use sur: these are the cases where it's often
possibly to say play on in English; if used with the definite article or a possessive determiner
(son, ma, mon etc), it's
often possible to use jouer à:
j'ai joué sur la trompette de David
I played (on) David's trumpet
je ne peux pas jouer sur un piano désacordé
I can't play (on) a piano that's out of tune
sur or à must also be used (and most often, à
appears to be used) if there's a direct
object: i.e. you're referring to playing a particular piece, part etc (note that
in these cases on is also necessary in English):
il l'a joué au piano
he played it on the piano
un air joué au violon
a tune played on the violin
- if the verb jouer isn't actually mentioned, then
the preposition à is usually used— note that in English,
it's possible to omit the article in many such cases:
"Au piano, David Kretz; à la trompette, George Steele"
"On (the) piano, David Kretz; on (the) trumpet, George Steele"
1. In historical texts, you will sometimes see the verb toucher
used, e.g. toucher le piano (cf Spanish tocar). However,
this usage is now obsolete.
Page written by Neil Coffey. Copyright (c) Javamex UK 2014. All rights reserved. |