French Phrases: US states and place names in French
The follow list shows how to say which US state you come from,
or how to say that a particular city is in a given state. A few major
US cities are included in rare cases where they have a special French
name or pronunciation, or to contrast the use of the article with state names with
the absence of article in the city name.
j'habite... | ʒabit | I live... | la ville de X se trouve... | la vildəiks sətʁuv | the city of X is... | dans l'Alaska | dɑ̃ lalaska | in Alaska | dans l'Arizona | dɑ̃ laʁizona | in Arizona | à Boston | a bɔstõ | in Boston | en Californie | ɑ̃ kalifɔʁni | in California | en Caroline du Nord | ɑ̃ kaʁɔlindynɔʁ | in North Carolina | en Caroline du Sud | ɑ̃ kaʁɔlindysyd | in South Carolina | au Colorado | o koloʁado | in Colorado | au Connecticut | o kɔnɛktikœt | in Connecticut | au Dakota du nord | o dakotadynoʁ | in North Dakota | au Dakota du sud | o dakotadysyd | in South Dakota | au Delaware | o dəlawɛʁ | in Delaware | en Floride | ɑ̃ flɔʁid | in Florida | en Géorgie | ɑ̃ ʒeɔʁʒi | in Georgia | en Hawaï | ɑ̃ nawaj | in Hawaii | dans l'Illinois | dɑ̃ lilinwa | in Illinois | dans l'Indiana | dɑ̃ læ̃djana | in Indiana | dans l'Iowa | dɑ̃ lajowa | in Iowa | en Louisiane | ɑ̃ lwizjan | in Louisiana | dans le Maryland | dɑ̃l maʁilɑ̃d | in Maryland | au Massachussets | o masaʃysɛts | in Massachussets | au Michigan | o miʃigɑ̃ | in Michigan | au Minnesota | o minesota | in Minnesota | au Mississippi | o misisipi | in Mississippi | au Missouri | o misuʁi | in Missouri | au Nevada | o nevada | in Nevada | dans le New Jersey | dɑ̃ lə njudʒɛʁze | in New Jersey | à New York | a njujɔʁk | in (the city of) New York | dans l'État de New York | dɑ̃ letad njujɔʁk | in (the state of) New York | au Nouveau-Mexique | o nuvomɛksik | in New Mexico | dans l'Ohio | dɑ̃ lojo | in Ohio | en Pennsylvanie | ɑ̃ pɛnsilvani | in Pennsylvania | à Philadelphie | a filadɛlfi | in Philadelphia | dans le Rhode Island | dɑ̃l ʁɔdajlɑ̃d | in Rhode Island | au Texas | o tɛksas | in Texas | dans l'Utah | dɑ̃ lyta | in Utah | en Virginie | ɑ̃ viʁʒini | in Virginia | en Virginie de l'ouest | ɑ̃ viʁʒinidəlwɛst | in West Virginia | au Washington | o wɔʃiŋtɔn | in Washington (state) | à Washington | a wɔʃiŋtɔn | in Washington (DC) | au Wisconsin | o wiskɔnsin | in Wisconsin |
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As a rule of thumb, state names ending in -ia have
French names ending in -ie and are feminine; other states
generally do not have a special French name and are masculine. Note the use
of articles, which is largely similar to the use with country names:
en is used with feminine state names, au
with masculine state names, and dans l' with masculine
state names beginning with a vowel.
Page written by Neil Coffey. Copyright (c) Javamex UK 2014. All rights reserved. |