French Phrases: Sports vocabulary
This section looks at general sports vocabulary and names of sports in
French. You may also be interested in the separate page on the
Olympic Games in French for the names
of Olympic sports.
le base-ball | - | baseball | le basketball | - | basketball | le cricket | - | cricket | le foot(ball) | - | football, soccer | le football américain | - | American football | le golf | - | golf | le hockey | - | hockey | le rugby | - | rugby | le rugby à treize | - | Rugby League | le rugby à quinze | - | Rugby Union | le tennis | - | tennis | le volley(-ball) | - | volleyball |
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Spelling note: in the recent proposed reform to French spelling, it is recommended that
the hyphen be removed from baseball and volleyball.
Here is how to refer to various sportsmen and sportswomen in French:
un joueur | - | a (male) player | une joueuse | - | a (female) player | un basketteur | - | a (male) basketball player | une basketteuse | - | a (female) basketball player | un footballeur | - | a (male) football player, soccer player | une footballeuse | - | a (female) football player, soccer player | un golfeur | - | a (male) golfer | une golfeuse | - | a (female) golfer | un hockeyeur | - | a (male) hockey player | une hockeyeuse | - | a (female) hockey player | un joueur de tennis | - | a (male) tennis player | une joueuse de tennis | - | a (female) tennis player | un(e) rugbyman | - | a rugby player | un tennisman | - | a tennis player | un volleyeur | - | volleyball player | une volleyeuse | - | a female volleyball player |
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Here are some general French words for people involved in
a game of sport:
l'arbitre | - | the referee | le coach | - | the coach | un coéquipier | - | a (male) teammate | une coéquipière | - | a (female) teammate | le public | - | the spectators, the crowd | les spectateurs | - | the spectators | un sponsor | - | a sponsor | un supporte(u)r | - | a (male) supporter, fan | une supportrice | - | a (female) supporter, fan |
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