Getting your web site translated is in many cases a straightforward process but can sometimes involve some additional considerations compared to having a simple Word document translated. Below, we provide some typical scenarios for getting your web site translated. If you aren't sure which method is best suited to your requirements, please feel free to contact to get some no-strings advice on the best way to proceed in your case.
This is often the simplest way of proceeding, and is an option commonly chosen by clients:
This solution is most suitable for sites consisting of a relatively small number of pages (say, fewer than 50) and where either you or your web company prefers to upload the material.
This is another option commonly chosen by clients running fairly simple web sites. If you have the original text to your site in a Word file (or other text fiel), you may prefer to supply the text in this format. This will generally be a suitable option for you if the process you have in place for uploading your existing material already involves editing the original text in Word or another text editor.
If you use a content management system such as Joomla, you may prefer to provide a direct logon to that system. This may be a suitable option if your web site contains a number of articles entered directly into your CMS, of simply if you wish to offload the task of uploading the translated material.
In some cases, your material may reside in a database or Excel/CSV file. Many translators don't deal directly with these formats, but as the French Linguistics service is run by a Java programming specialist, custom document transformations of this type can be provided. In general, the best thing to do is to contact explaining what your requirements are. It is very likely that a solution will be found to meet your needs.