French Phrases: Names of school subjects in French
Here are the names of the most common subjects studied in
French schools. Names of languages are masculine and names of
sciences are generally feminine.
Note: as in England, various weird and whacky initials have
appeared in French education system over the years for names of
various school subjects.
At GCSE or SAT level, you generally don't have to learn all these
various initials. The most useful and widely used in ordinary
secondary schools are probably EPS and SVT.
Also available:
School crossword
School vocabulary flash cards
tronc commun | tʁõ kɔmæ̃ | core subjects | allemand | almɑ̃ | German | anglais | ɑ̃gle | English | art | aʁ | art | biologie | bjoloʒi | biology | chimie | ʃimi | chemistry | enseignement scientifique | ɑ̃sɛnjmɑ̃ sjɑ̃tifik | general science, =dual-award science | EPS1 | øpeɛs | PE, sport and physical education | espagnol | ɛspanjɔl | Spanish | français | fʁɑ̃se | French | géo(graphie) | ʒeogʁafi | geography | grec | gʁɛk | greek | histoire | istwaʁ | history | histoire-géo(graphie) | istwaʁʒeo | humanities, history and geography | IGC2 | iʒese | =ICT | langue vivante | lɑ̃g vivɑ̃t | modern language | latin | latæ̃ | latin | mathématiques | matematik | mathematics | physique | fizik | physics | religion | ʁəliʒjõ | religion, religious studies | SES3 | ɛsøɛs | economic and social sciences | STI4 | ɛstei | industrial sciences | STL5 | ɛsteɛl | laboratory sciences | ECJS6 | øseʒiɛs | =PSE, civil education | SVT7 | ɛzvete | biology, earth sciences |
Suggest a change / proposez une modification
1. éducation physique et sportive
2. informatique, gestion et communication
3. sciences économiques et sociales
4. sciences et technologies industrielles
5. sciences et technologies de laboratoire
6. éducation civique, juridique et sociale
7. sciences de la vie et de la terre
Grammar: talking about school subjects
In general, when talking about an individual school subject, French speakers
always use the article le, la or l'
with the name of the subject. So for example:
j'étudie le français
I'm studying French
l'histoire est très difficile
history is very difficult
However, the article is not generally used:
- with the preposition en;
- in compounds with de (prof de..., cours de...),
or with "quantitive" expressions
(peu de..., beaucoup de...);
un cours de mathématiques;
- in lists of subjects.
For example:
il est fort en histoire
he's good at history
c'est mon prof de chimie
he's my chemistry teacher
il a étudié beaucoup de français
he's studied a lot of French
je fais français, histoire et anglais
I'm doing French, history and English
See also:
educational establishments in French
French phrases for talking about school and education
Page written by Neil Coffey. Copyright (c) Javamex UK 2014. All rights reserved. |