French Phrases: publicity and marketing
The French vocabulary on this page covers various terms connected with
sales and marketing.
une cible | - | a target (market) | la commercialisation | - | marketing, commercialisation | la concurrence | - | competition | un concurrent | - | a competitor | un créneau | - | a niche | un échantillon | - | a sample | une étude de marché | - | a market study | fidéliser | - | to gain the loyalty of | fidéliser sa clientèle | - | to build customer loyalty | le marketing | - | marketing | le marketing direct | - | direct marketing | un marché | - | a market | le mécénat d'entreprise | - | corporate sponsorship | des objectifs (de ventes) | - | (sales) targets | un prospect | - | a prospective client | le service après-vente | - | after-sales service | suivre | - | to provide after-sales service to |
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une annonce | - | an ad, advertisement | un bandeau publicitaire | - | a banner ad | une campagne publicitaire | - | a marketing campaign | la communication | - | advertising, communication | un emplacement | - | an advertising spot (in a magazine) | une promotion | - | a promotion | promotionnel | - | promotional | la publicité | - | advertising, publicity | le publipostage | - | mailshotting | un publipostage | - | a mailshot | un spot | - | a (TV) advertising slot |
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la distribution | - | distribution | la chaîne de distribution | - | the distribution chain | un distributeur | - | a distributor | un consommateur | - | a consumer | un détaillant | - | a retailer | GMS, grandes et moyennes surfaces | - | =major retail outlets | un grossiste | - | a wholesaler | un point de vente | - | a sales outlet | un réseau (de distribution) | - | a (distribution) network | la vente par correspondance (VPC) | - | mail order sales | un vépéciste | - | a mail order firm |
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Page written by Neil Coffey. Copyright (c) Javamex UK 2014. All rights reserved. |