French Phrases: Understanding and translating French contracts (compromis de vente etc)
This section looks at some of the vocabulary and features important
when translating French contracts. As well as other commercial contracts,
this information will be relevant to
property contracts and the so-called compromis de vente that is signed in the initial
stages of buying a French property, or in French property lease contracts.
Some of it may also be relevant to other types of French contracts such as IT contracts.
If you don't find all of the help you require on this page, then it is definitely worth
considering a professional
translation of your contract or compromis de vente: it isn't as expensive as you might think, and
could save you a lot of time and risk! If you would like a free quote with no obligation to go ahead,
please see this site's professional
translation service.
General difficulties in understanding French contracts
Understanding French contracts and legal documents can pose some of the same difficulties as with
such documents in English and other languages:
- contracts can pose vocabulary difficulties because they deal with
concepts that don't crop up in everyday situations and are not necessarily
covered in mainstream dictionaries;
- sometimes phraseology that was established a long time ago is still
used in presentday legal documents, and hence sounds archaic
or is not covered in mainstream grammars and dictionaries;
- legal procedures and concepts can be tied to the particular legal system
of the country in question: thus a French document may refer to
laws, standards, legal terms etc that have no direct equivalent in English,
or whose nearest equivalent may vary from English-speaking country to
English-speaking country.
In the following sections, I give an overview of some common terms and formulae found in
French contracts, including property contracts. The list has been compiled on the basis of
"real life" French legal translations that I have performed.
The translations here are therefore the result in many cases
of discussions and collaboration with lawyers/paralegal professionals who have
worked with me on such translations.
Common verbs and phrases in French contracts
In almost every contract, the following will crop up at some stage
or other:
X s'engage à ... | - | X undertakes to..., X agrees to... | X s'interdit de... | - | X undertakes not to..., X shall refrain from | le cas échéant | - | should the case arise, if need be, where applicable | d'une part ... d'autre part... | - | often used to introduce the two parties in a contract— no direct equivalent in English | devra ... | - | shall...(in the legal sense of "will have a duty to...") | relatif à... | - | relating to..., governing... | tout/toute ... | - | any ... |
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Some grammatical features and difficulties of French legal language
In French legalese, present participles are more common than in everyday
use and may be readily used to form a relative clause. Taking into account the
use of more formal vocabulary in some cases, consider the following
examples of differences between relative clauses in everyday use and in
legal writing:
Everyday expression | Legal language |
une/la personne qui veut... | toute personne souhaitant... |
une/la personne qui vit/habite... | toute personne demeurant... |
une la personne qui a... | toute personne ayant... |
Some formal or archaic expressions sometimes found in French contracts
As occurs in English, many instances of French legal language involve words or
phrases that were once more common in everyday usage. Gradually over time, the
ordinary usage of these words or phrases has evolved but the legal phrase in
question has remained fixed. This can cause problems in legal translation since
looking a given word up in a mainstream dictionary will give its current translation
rather than one that reflects the more archaic meaning. Thus, if you look up the
word appartenir in a mainstream dictionary, you will usually find it
listed as meaning to belong to.... But in legal parlance, it can take on
the once common but now archaic meaning listed below.
appartenir | - | to be suitable, fitting; to be necessary | ci-annexé | - | attached hereto | ci-après désigné | - | henceforth designated..., henceforth referred to as... | les présentes | - | the present contract/terms and conditions | par les présentes | - | hereby | entendre faire qch | - | to intend to do sth |
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Note that ci, which was once a common word for here in French, has
led to the coining of various compounds used in legal French— it would be practically
impossible to list them all! A similar observation is true for the (now obsolete)
adverb sus, which has led to many compounds equivalent to English above-
or afore-
(aforementioned etc).
Some unusual French vocabulary found in contracts
Finally, we find many instances of words which, while not archaic as such, are
by their technical nature unusual in everyday usage and not always accurately
defined in mainstream dictionaries. A small sample of examples would include:
acquitter | - | to pay, settle | authentique | - | "officially executed" by a public notary | bail | - | lease | baux | - | leases (this unusual form is sometimes used as the plural) | bailleur | - | lessor | cessionnaire | - | transferree | décennal | - | ten-year (lease, certificate etc) | échéance | - | due date; due instalment; coming into effect; taking possession (of a property) | faire parvenir | - | to send | mettre en jeu | - | to invoke (a warranty, insurance policy) | preneur | - | lessee | quittancer | - | to acknowledge payment/receipt of | résiliable | - | cancellable, which may be terminated | résilier | - | to terminate, cancel | trentenaire | - | thirty-year (certificate etc) |
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Page written by Neil Coffey. Copyright (c) Javamex UK 2014. All rights reserved. |