French-English translation of avoir
1 avoir Verb, transitive (a) to have (slightly frm), have got possessions; il a deux voitures he's got two cars; est-ce que tu as des frères et soeurs? have you got any brothers and sisters?; il n'a pas d'argent he hasn't got any money; il a de jolis cheveux he's got nice hair (b) (descriptive construction) il a les cheveux blonds he's got blond hair; il a les yeux tous jolis he's got really nice eyes (c) (at particular moment) to get a score; il a de bonnes notes he's got good marks; j'ai eu 10 en histoire i got 10 (out of 20) for history, =i got a C for history (d) (Infml: with trick) to get, trick, catch somebody out, swizz (Slang, humorous); on m'a eu I've been had (or) done (or) swizzed
2 avoir Verb (a) to have sympathy, feel sympathy, hatred, cold, hunger; ~ faim/soif to be (or) feel hungry/thirsty; (Infml) ~ une faim de loup to be starving (or) famished; ~ chaud/froid to be hot/cold; ~ bien faim, (Infml) ~ très faim to be really hungry; je n'ai pas très faim I'm not very hungry; j'ai un peu trop froid I'm a bit too cold; (See: courage), (See: raison), (See: tort) (etc) (b) (in forming compounnd tenses) j'ai mangé I ate; I've eaten; I've been eating; il avait trop mangé/bu he'd had too much to eat/drink (c) (existence) y ~ to be; il y a, (Infml) y a there's, there is (frm) ( singular); there are, there's (Infml) ( plural); (il) y a du pain dans le frigo there's some bread in the fridge; (il) y a du pain dans le frigo? is there any bread in the fridge?; (Infml) y a quelque chose à la télé ce soir? is there anything on telly this evening?; il y a des pommes si tu en veux there are some apples if you want some (or) any; (Infml) y a des pommes si t'en veux there's some apples if you want some (or) any; il n'y a pas de pain there isn't any bread; (Infml) y a pas de pain there's no bread; il n'y a plus de pain there isn't any bread left; (Infml) y a plus de pain there's no bread left; il n'y avait plus de pain there was no bread left; il y avait/aura moi, toi et Danielle there was/there'll be me, you and Danielle; il y a eu de la pluie pendant la nuit it rained during the night, there was some rain during the night; il doit y ~ un couteau quelque part there must be a knife somewhere; qu'est qu'il y a? what's wrong?, what's up? (Infml); qu'est qu'il y avait? what was wrong?, what was up? (Infml) 3 avoir Verb, transitive (a) (in time) il y a trois ans three years ago; je suis allé en Autriche il y a deux semaines I went to Austria two weeks ago; il y a quatre semaines qu'il prend le bus pour aller à l'école he's been getting the bus to school for four weeks now; il y a trois mois qu'il ne mange plus de pâtes he hasn't been eating pasta for three months now, it's been three months since he last ate pasta (or) since he stopped eating pasta; il y aura un mois demain que je ne fume plus de cigarettes it'll be a month tomorrow since I stopped smoking; il y avait deux semaines hier que je ne fume qu'une cigarette par jour it was two weeks yesterday since I started smoking one cigarette a day, it was two weeks yesterday that I cut back to one cigarette a day 4 avoir Noun, masculine (a) (Finance) assets, resources 5 avoir Verb (a) ~ à faire qch to have to do sth (b) ~ qch à faire/perdre to have sth to do/lose; vous n'avez rien à perdre you have nothing to lose; (fig) ~ qch à voir avec qch to have sth to do with sth; ça n'a rien à voir avec ce que je dit that has nothing to do with what I'm saying Terms from the DGT glossary
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