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  • Did you mean one of the following: , deg, des, dès, te, , tee, tes, têt, thé, très?

The preposition de, often meaning from or of, combines with the definite article to produce the following contracted forms. These forms thus all have the rough meaning of "of the...", "from the...":

  • de + le > du
  • de + les > des

With la and l', the corresponding forms are de la and de l' as expected.

1 de Preposition

How to pronounce de

(a) (indicating possession: it is common to use 's in English if the possessor is a person or animal) of; la maison ~ Jean Jean's house; la cuisine ~ Marie Marie's cooking; la queue du cheval the horse's tail; la queue des chevaux, les queues des chevaux the horses' tails; les troncs des arbres the tree trunks, the trunks of the trees

(b) (indicating parts of something: a compound is often common in English) of, on; les fenêtres de la maison the windows of the house, the windows on the house, the house windows

(c) (with containers or quantities) of; une tasse ~ thé a cup of tea; un kilo ~ pommes a kilo of apples

(d) (in forming compounds: noun plus noun compound often possible in English) of; un chauffeur ~ camionnette a lorry driver, a truck driver

(e) (indicating movement) from; je viens ~ Londres I come from London; mon ami ~ Paris my friend from Paris

(f) (indicating material: using an adjective or compound is common in English) made of, made out of, in (frm); une table de bois a wooden table, a table made out of wood, a table in wood (frm); une robe de soie a silk dress; un vase de cristal a crystal vase

(g) (in constructions with particular verbs: look up the verb in question) décider ~ qch to decide on sth; décider ~ faire qch to decide to do sth

(h) (with adjectives: translation can depend on the adjective) about, of, with, at; content ~ qch happy with sth, happy about sth; content ~ faire qch happy to do sth, happy about doing sth

(i) (with parts of body) with; de la main/tête with one's hand/head; dire non ~ la tête to shake one's head; dire oui ~ de la tête to nod one's head; d'un ton agressif in (or) with an agressive tone of voice

2 de Determiner   Pronounce

(a) (combined with definite article) some; (in interrogative) some, any; du lait some milk; du fromage some cheese; de la confiture some jam; des fraises some strawberries; voulez-vous des fraises? do you want some strawberries?, do you want any strawberries?

(b) (in negative) any; (with singular noun) a; (combined with phrase 'at all') any; je ne veux pas ~ fraises I don't want any strawberries; je n'ai pas ~ petite amie I don't have a girlfriend; il n'a pas de voiture he doesn't have a car; il n'a pas ~ voiture du tout he hasn't got a car at all, he doesn't have any car at all

(c) (partitive: with another determiner) some of; j'ai bu ~ ce vin I've had some of this wine; le chien a mangé ~ mon gâteau the dog's had some of my cake

3 dé Noun, masculine

(a) ~ (à jouer) dice, die (frm); ~s dice; jouer aux ~s to play dice

(b) (Cookery etc) dice; en ~s diced carrot

(c) ~ (à coudre) thimble; (Slang) fingers-up sign; (Slang) faire un ~ à coudre à qn to give sb the fingers-up (sign)

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