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1. it Pronoun (a) (as subject of sentence with être and noun or pronoun complement) ce; ~'s a good car c'est une bonne voiture; ~'s me/him c'est moi/lui; what is ~? qu'est-ce que c'est?, c'est quoi? (Infml) (b) (as subject of sentence with être and adjective complement) il m, elle f, ce (Infml); he said this till is open but ~'s closed il a dit que cette caisse est ouverte mais elle est fermée (or) c'est fermé; do you want some wine- ~'s very good tu veux du vin?- il est très bon (c) (as subject of sentence with être: denoting general class of something after a reference to a specific example) ce; do you want some wine- ~'s good for your health tu veux du vin?- c'est bon pour la santé (d) (with other verbs or types of complement, as subject of sentence referring to specific noun, animal or object) il m, elle f; where is the cathedral?- ~'s in the main square où est la cathédrale?- elle se trouve sur la place principale; have you seen the cat?- ~'s in the garden t'as vu le chat?- il est dans le jardin (e) (when referent is a clause or place name) ça, cela (frm), (with verb être) ce (f) (as subject of weather verbs) il, ça (Infml); ~'s raining il pleut, ça pleut (Infml); ~'s raining but not snowing il pleut sans neiger (g) (as subject of other impersonal verbs) il; ~'s a question of ... il s'agit de ...; ~'ll be necessary for us to ... il va falloir que nou ... (h) (in subject position of 'transformed' sentences) ça, cela (frm), il, (with être also) ce (Infml); ~ frightens/surprises me to think that ... ça (or) cela (or) il m'effraie/m'étonne de penser que ...; it's not easy to understand why il n'est pas facile de comprendre pourquoi, ce n'est pas facile de comprendre pourquoi (Infml) (i) (as subject when telling time) il; what time is ~? quelle heure est-il?, il est quelle heure? (Infml); ~'s 5 o'clock il est 5 heures (j) (as direct object) le m, la f (attached to beginning of verb); can you see ~? tu le vois?, (when feminine noun understood as referent) tu la vois?; he has a new car- have you seen ~? il a une nouvelle voiture- tu l'as vue? (k) (direct object referring to a place: not generally translated) I went to Romarin-sur-Pré: do you know ~? je suis allé à Romaran-sur-Pré: vous connaissez? (l) (direct object referring to a generality) ça, (often not translated); I like wine: do you like ~ as well? j'aime le vin: tu aimes (ça) toi aussi? (m) (as complement of preposition) cela, ça (Infml), (referring to animal, child) lui m, elle f, (specific adverbs often used); with ~ avec cela, avec ça (Infml), avec lui/elle, avec (very Infml); before/after ~ avant/après; on ~ dessus; next to ~ â côté (n) (as indirect object) (to) ~, (for) ~, on ~ (referring to animal) lui, (with less specific referent) y; (in certain cases where lui and y not possible) à/pour lui m, à/pour elle f, à/pour cela; if you see the dog, give ~ some food si tu vois le chien, donne-lui à manger; I've thought about it j'y ai pesné, j'y ai réfléchi; think about it! penses-y!; he has a right to ~ il y a droit (o) (note that a verb taking a direct object in English may have an equivalent with an indirect object in French!) don't touch ~! n'y touchez pas!; I like golf but I never play ~ j'aime le golf mais je n'y joue jamais (p) (in various idiomatic expressions: see the other words in the expression) he's had ~ il est fini, il est foutu (Slang); (Infml) to be with ~ être branché, être dans le vent (old-fashioned); (Slang) the poor sod bought ~ le pauvre a crevé; (Slang) sod ~!, (Vulg) fuck ~! merde alors! (Vulg) (q) (Slang: referring to sex) ça 2. IT Noun (Equivalent of information technology) informatique f; he's in ~ il travaille en informatique; ~ company société f d'informatique; ~ (department) département m d'informatique, service m d'informatique