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French-English translation of feu

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1 feu Noun, masculine

(a) (Declension: pl feux) fire in a forest, house; prendre ~ to catch fire; mettre ~ à qch to set fire to sth, set sth on fire; en ~ building on fire, burning; burning cheecks; avoir du ~ to have a light (for a cigarette); donner du ~ à qn to give sb a light (for a cigarette); (fig) parler avec ~ to speak with fire;

~ d'artifice firework; ~x d'artifice fireworks (display); ~ de camp campfire; ~ follet will-o'-the-wisp; ~ de joie bonfire

(b) signal light; aux ~x at the (traffic) lights;

~ anti-brouillard fog lights, fog lamps; ~ arrière rear light, tail light; ~ de croisement dipped headlights; ~ de détresse hazard warning lights; ~ orange amber (lgiht); ~ de position sidelight; ~ de recul reversing lights; ~ rouge red light; traffic light, (set of) traffic lights; ~x de route headlamps or headlights on full beam; ~x de signalisation traffic lights, traffic signals; ~x de stationnement parking lights; ~ de stop brake light; ~x tricolores traffic lights; ~ vert green light; (fig) go-ahead; pleins ~x spotlight

(c) ring on a cooker; sur le ~ on the stove; faire cuire à ~ doux/vif to cook over a slow/fast heat; to cook in a slow/fast oven

(d) (Mil) action; gun fire, gunfire; faire ~ to fire; "au ~!" "fire!"; ~ (à volonté)! fire (at will)!; coup de ~ (gun)shot; recevoir un coup de ~ to be shot;

~x croisés crossfire

(e) (Slang) gun, shooter (Slang)

2 feu Adjective

(a) late person; mon ~ oncle my late uncle; la ~e reine the late queen

3 feu Adverb

(a) ~ Monsieur X the late Mr X, Mr X deceased; ~ mon oncle my late uncle

Terms from the DGT glossary

French termEnglish term
Autres armes à feu et engins similairesOther firearms and similar devices
Essai de résistance au feuFire-resistance test
Résistance au feuFire resistance
feu uniquesingle lamp
feu de routemain-beam headlamp
feu de croisementdipped-beam headlamp
feu indicateur de directiondirection indicator lamp
feu stopstop lamp
feu de position avantfront position lamp
feu de position arrièrerear position lamp
feu brouillard avantfront fog lamp
feu brouillard arrièrerear fog lamp
feu de marche arrièrereversing lamp
Feu de routeMain-beam headlamps
Feu de croisementDipped-beam headlamps
Feu stopStop lamp
Feu brouillard avantFront fog lamps
Feu brouillard arrièreRear fog lamps
Feu de marche arrièreReversing lamps
Feu extérieurExternal fire

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