French-English translation of feu
1 feu Noun, masculine (a) (Declension: pl feux) fire in a forest, house; prendre ~ to catch fire; mettre ~ à qch to set fire to sth, set sth on fire; en ~ building on fire, burning; burning cheecks; avoir du ~ to have a light (for a cigarette); donner du ~ à qn to give sb a light (for a cigarette); (fig) parler avec ~ to speak with fire;
(b) signal light; aux ~x at the (traffic) lights;
(c) ring on a cooker; sur le ~ on the stove; faire cuire à ~ doux/vif to cook over a slow/fast heat; to cook in a slow/fast oven (d) (Mil) action; gun fire, gunfire; faire ~ to fire; "au ~!" "fire!"; ~ (à volonté)! fire (at will)!; coup de ~ (gun)shot; recevoir un coup de ~ to be shot;
(e) (Slang) gun, shooter (Slang) 2 feu Adjective (a) late person; mon ~ oncle my late uncle; la ~e reine the late queen 3 feu Adverb (a) ~ Monsieur X the late Mr X, Mr X deceased; ~ mon oncle my late uncle Terms from the DGT glossary
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