French-English translation of part
1 part Noun, feminine (a) share of money, portion, slice of cake; part in a job; avoir ~ à to have a share in; prendre ~ à to take part in, join in work, protest; faire ~ de qch to take sth into account; (fig) faire la ~ du feu to cut one's losses; pour une ~ to some extent, partly; pour une large ~ to a great or large extent, largely; à ~ separately; aside, to one side; à ~ qn/qch apart from sb/sth, except for sb/sth; à ~ cela otherwise; à part entière fully-fledged member, full citizenship; faire ~ de qch à qn to announce sth to sb, inform sb of sth, let sb know about sth, tell sb about sth; de la ~ de on behalf of, from; d'une ~ on (the) one hand; d'autre ~ on the other hand Terms from the DGT glossary
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