English-French French grammar French words and phrases Forums French-English translation of quel
1 quel Determiner (a) (Declension: fem quelle; pl quels; fem pl quelles) (from a defined or restricted choice) which; (from a less defined choice) what; ~ livre? which book?; ~le maison? which house? 2 quel QU- word (a) (Declension: fem quelle; pl quels; fem pl quelles) (from a defined or restricted choice) which; (from a less defined choice) what; ~le est la capitale de la France? what is the capital of France?; ~les villes as-tu visitées? which (or) what towns did you visit?; ~le est la maison que tu aimes le plus? which is the house that you like the most?; n'importe ~ ... any ..., whichever ..., whatever ...; à n'importe ~le heure at any time, at whatever time, whenever; ~le que soit ta raison whatever your reason is, whatever reason you have, whatever your reason (more frm) Bookmark this dictionary English-French Spanish-English English-Spanish Basic French phrases and vocabulary Grammar tips and articles Translate computing terms Glossary of French business terms
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