How to pronounce fin

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lThe French 'l' is similar to the 'l' in English "with Lee". The tongue tip usually touches the back of the upper teeth. It is also a so-called "clear" l: in other words, you don't raise the back of your tongue as you pronounce the French 'l', as occurs in some cases in English. 
aThe French 'a' vowel is pronounced with the tongue far forward in the mouth and the mouth quite wide open, but not quite as open as for a typical English 'a' vowel. 
fThe French 'f' sound is pronounced in a similar way to English 'f'. 
æ̃This vowel is pronounced with the tongue and mouth in a similar position to the 'a' of English "am". The vowel is nasalized: air escapes through the nose as well as the mouth.