How to say 'any' in FrenchIn English, the any is used in two main situations. Firstly, it is used in negative sentences such as: Secondly, it is used in questions: In the first case (with negative sentences), French uses de to mean any (use d' before a vowel):
elle ne veut pas de pain she doesn't want any bread
il n'a pas de sucre he doesn't have any sugar je n'ai pas d'argent I don't have any money ![]() In the second case (questions), French uses du, de la or des just as for the equivalent of some. In other words, French doesn't make much distinction between some and any in this case:
elle a du pain she has some bread
est-ce qu'elle a du pain? has she got any bread? il veut de l'eau he wants some water est-ce qu'il veut de l'eau? does he want any water? ![]()