Days and dates in French
Days of the week
The names of the days of the week in French are as follows:
lundi | Monday |
mardi | Tuesday |
mercredi | Wednesday |
jeudi | Thursday |
vendredi | Friday |
samedi | Saturday |
dimanche | Sunday |
In the following phrases, lundi can be replaced by any of the other days:
ce lundi | this Monday |
je ferai ça lundi | I'll do it on Monday |
lundi dernier | last Monday |
lundi prochain | next Monday |
le lundi | on Mondays |
le lundi 20 février | Monday the 20th of February |
lundi 20 | (on) Monday the 20th |
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Months of the year
The names of the months in French are as follows:
janvier | January | juillet | July |
février | February | août | August |
mars | March | septembre | September |
avril | April | octobre | October |
mai | May | novembre | November |
juin | June | décembre | December |
In the following phrases, avril can be replaced by any of the other months:
en avril | in April |
le mois d'avril | the month of April |
au mois d'avril | in April, in the month of April |
en avril dernier | last April |
en avril prochain | next April |
le 20 avril | the 20th of April |
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Time of the day
The following phrases relate to the time of the day:
aujourd'hui | today |
ce matin | this morning |
cet après-midi | this afternoon |
ce soir | tonight, this evening |
cette nuit | tonight, this coming night |
demain | tomorrow |
demain matin | tomorrow morning |
demain midi | tomorrow lunchtime |
demain après-midi | tomorrow afternoon |
demain soir | tomorrow evening |
hier | yesterday |
hier matin | yesterday morning |
hier midi | yesterday lunchtime |
hier après-midi | yesterday afternoon |
hier soir | yesterday evening |
le lendemain | the day after tomorrow; the next day |
le lendemain soir | the evening after next; the next evening |
avant-hier | the day before yesterday |
avant-hier soir | the evening before last |
le soir | in the evening, every evening |
le lundi soir | on Monday evenings |
See also: telling the time in French
This page written by Neil Coffey. Copyright © Javamex UK 2017. All rights reserved.